Training of Trainers - 1-day course

Training of Trainers - training effectively

Whether technical or non-technical, skills or theoretical, people learn best when engaged and active.

Notwithstanding efforts from both trainer and learners, in many courses many of us are used to a scenario where the trainer is the most engaged person in the room, while learners are reduced to more or less absent listeners.

Services and Trainings

Training effectively: active learning in the classroom

Training of Trainers (ToT)/ mentors/ assessions is an interactive workshop that enables trainers to create a better ‘activity-balance’ in the classroom which enables students to learn. At the same time, it prevents trainers to ‘burn out’ in front of the class.

Our main focus in this workshop is on learning and how to facilitate this process efficiently and successfully. One of the lead principles we will work with is that T≠L: a lot of teaching does not guarantee much learning, while a little teaching can result in much learning!

A fantastic benefit for teachers/trainers is that the pressure to ‘entertain’ is much reduced, while your training becomes more effective in term of students’ learning. A positive result is an improved rapport with your class and a lot of energy left at the end of a work day.

Why this workshop?

Most ToT focus on ‘technical’ skills: teaching methods, use of voice, use of white board/ flip-charts, power-point and so on; possibly essential elements of any given training, but not necessarily the skills that facilitate learning.

An effective trainer understands how people learn and facilitates this process. In this workshop we look at how people learn and then adapt our teaching strategies effectively and efficiently.

Who attend?

The workshop is designed for teachers and trainers with classroom training experience. All people with an interest in teaching or training are welcome.
Managers, supervisors, assessors and others took part in the training and improved performance in more effective meetings, assessments and conversations.

More Informations

  • Duration of the course: 1 day
  • Location: BusinessParc Reinach, Christoph Merian-Ring 11, 4153 Reinach
  • Number of participants: min. 4 / max. 7