
‘co-creation’ is an agile implementation of optimising performance’:

Initially, skeptical, but after meeting a professional with enthusiasm in the person of Kirsten, the decision was made to take part in the course for a co-creation coach. All skepticism disappeared and was replaced with confidence and joy.

co-creation mit Kirsten

Co-creation is developed from change-management as a response to an increasingly complex and rapidly changing context. Organisations and teams have to face increased complexity in their problem- solving, especially in terms of finding effective solutions.

‘Classic’ change management theories lack in efficiency and especially in effectiveness as the classic planned change ‘from A to B’ has become hardly feasible anymore. The minute the ‘change-journey’ is described, reality has changed again. Adaptation and flexibility is key to success for sustainable resilience and innovation.

A difference with other implementations, is that co-creation is a process that is applicable simultaneously across teams within an organisation, creating agility, trust and space for problem definition and decision making, prerequisites for the creation of effective solutions.

Simultaneously and repeatedly decision-making takes place where the information and therefore the autonomy lies, without overstepping organisational boundaries in terms of safety, budget and purpose. Once learned and implemented, an organisation continues and develops independently and autonomously.

Co-creation is a potential foundation for optimized performance and represents an accelerator for achieving your goal of bringing your organization together into an even stronger and more successful organization.
For more information, please, contact us or have a closer look at the Founder’s site.